The faculty members of GPWC conduct various Minor and Major Projects funded by UGC. An Institutional Level Biotech Hub sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology under Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India started, functioning in the Department of Botany, GPWC from 2011. In recognition of its splendid research achievements, the Biotech Hub was upgraded to Advanced Level by the DBT  from the year 2016, as a remarkable venture of the college in the fields of Research, Consultancy and Extension. STAR COLLEGE SCHEME sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, under Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India has started implementation from the Academic session 2019-2020. A major project titled “Designing of Artificial Photosynthesis catalyst for alternative future fuels” under the guidance of Dr. Wangkheimayum Marjit Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry sponsored by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) has started since 2nd February, 2021.

G.P. Women’s College has reasons to be proud of its achievements in academics as well as non- academic fields. The college is always vibrant and active.

Dr. W. Marjit Singh


Institutional Level Biotech-hub is a “Human Resource Development and Infrastructure development” project sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. The project is functioning since November 2011 under the coordinator, Dr. Yumnam Sunitibala Devi, Associate Professor, Department of Botany. After completion of 3 years, it was again extended for another 2 years. By the end of 5th year, the Biotech Hub of G.P Women’s college was upgraded as Advanced Level Institutional Biotech hub with more manpower and infrastructure support. Since inception of the Biotech Hub Department of G.P Women’s college, one plant culture laboratory along with one polyhouse were developed at Department of Botany. Many scientific equipments were also procured for performance of different experiments related to research as well as B.Sc. and M.Sc. students’ practical classes. In addition, as part of the project, “Hands on training programme on different topics like plant tissue culture, Bioinstrumentation, molecular biology and biochemistry techniques were conducted for B.Sc. and M.Sc. biological science students for our college and also students from other colleges.  Training programme were also conducted for teachers of higher secondary schools who are the co-ordinators of a programme “BLISS” “Biotech Lab in Senior Secondary Schools” which is sponsored by DBT Outreach and awareness programme on different topics related to plant biotechnology were conducted in different colleges (DM college of Science, Oriental college, Modern college, Presidency college) and also in different higher secondary schools (CC Higher Secondary School, T.G Higher Secondary School, Moirang Multipurpose, Heirok Higher Secondary school, Chaoyaima Higher Secondary School, etc). Biotech Hub also organised National Science day, World Environment day, etc. by arranging seminar presentation competition for students and lectures of experts in different fields. Research work also done by staffs (RA and JRF) of Biotech Hub on different topics and objectives. Biotech Hub will be running for another 3 years under the sponsorship of DBT. All the infrastructure procured in the lab will be very helpful for the students of B.Sc. and M.Sc. students of our college.

Dr. Y. Sunitibala Devi

Plant culture laboratory at Advanced level Institutional Biotech Hub

Visit by students at Polyhouse

Workshop conducted by Biotech Hub


STAR COLLEGE SCHEME sponsored by the Department of Biotechnology, under Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India has started implementation from the Academic session 2019-2020. Dr. N. Sanjoy Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Botany, is the Co-ordinator and Dr. M. Suresh Singh, Associate Professor, and HOD, Department of Zoology, is the Assistant Co-ordinator of STAR COLLEGE SCHEME.

It has purchased modern Scientific Equipment for 4 (four) Departments, viz. Botany, Chemistry, Physics and Zoology for undergraduate courses. It has also initiated Online Education for undergraduate courses. Faculty Improvement Program and Students’ Project has already started. One Day Interaction Programme on “MOOC and its importance” was also organised on 4th July, 2020. Social awareness campaign by students during Covid-19 pandemic was organised from 13 October to 21 October, 2020. Students activities such as Essay Competition and Digital Media Competition was organised in the month of August, 2020. One day Hands-on-training on PCR and Western Blotting was organised on 20th March, 2021 for B.Sc and M.Sc. students. A webinar was organised on 5th June, 2021 on the occasion of World Environment Day on the theme “Ecosystem Restoration”.

Dr. M. Sanjoy

Dr. M. Suresh

Distribution of Scientific Equipments under DBT Star College Scheme Project

One Day Interaction Programme on “MOOC and its importance”

Online Essay and Digital Media Competition under DBT Star College Scheme Project

One Day Hands-on- training on PCR & Western Blotting