The college has one of the best systems of Student Support and Progress Management. Ghanapriya Women’s College Students’ Union is one such centre. Under the supervision of Vice-President of the Union, Dr. M. Bidyasagar, HOD and Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Ghanapriya Women’s College Students’ Union succeeds in initiating value added co-curricular and student-centered activities towards transforming the physical, mental and moral strength of the students by following the College campus rules and regulations.
Members of Ghanapriya Women’s College Students’ Union, 2022-23 :
Sl. No. | Name of the Member | Designation | Position |
1 | Hijam Romi Devi | Principal | President |
2 | Dr. M. Bidyasagar | Associate Professor | Vice-President |
3 | Thongam Luchingbi Chanu | Student | General Secretary |
4 | Lambalmayum Chaoba Chanu | Student | Finance Secretary |
5 | Rasheshwori Meihoubam | Student | Social & Culture Secretary |
6 | Dr. Th. Diana Devi | Associate Professor | Teacher in-charge |
7 | Aheibam Dolly Chanu | Student | Magazine Secretary |
8 | Dr. Md. Baharuddin Shah | Associate Professor | Teacher in-charge |
9 | Koijam Vellory | Student | Games & Sports Secretary |
10 | Dr. K. Indrakumar Singh | Associate Professor | Teacher in-charge |
11 | Nameirakpam Simarekha Chanu | Student | Debate & Extension Secretary |
12 | Dr. Waikhom Romesh | Associate Professor | Teacher in-charge |
13 | Dolly Thoudam | Student | Girls Common Room Secretary |
14 | Dr. Gurumayum Deepika | Assistant Professor | Teacher in-charge |