The Youth Red Cross Society (YRC) of G.P. Women’s College was founded in 2020 and is now working actively under the guidance of Indian Red Cross Society (IRC) Manipur State Branch. Dr. M. Aken Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, is the Programme Officer of Youth Red Cross Society
of G. P. Women’s College.
The objectives of YRC are as follows:
- To make them understand and accept civic responsibilities, and act accordingly with humanitarian concern.
- To enable the growth and development of a spirit of service and sense of duty with dedication and devotion in the minds of youth
- To foster better friendly relationship with all without any discrimination.
- Encourage community service through training and education
- Disseminate the seven fundamental principles of Red Cross and Red Crescent movement through activities that encourage the Red Cross ideals.
Aims of Youth Red Cross
- Having a work-shop for YRC volunteers to enlighten their knowledge in first-aid and rescue steps in emergency.
- Plan to organize a blood donation camps.
- Plan to conduct awareness programme for Covid-19, AIDS, Non-communicable disease like diabetes, Cancer, COPD, etc.,

Dr. M. Aken Singh

Induction programme for YRC-Programme officers